The eTrapp system replaces the common p-trap.
eTrapp plumbs into the condensate line as close as possible to the condensate outlet. Generally, we prefer that an authorized HVAC technician or Pro performs the installation. In addition to the installation, they register the eTrapp and cartridge with the software monitoring system. Unit owners and Pros view the data from the system through the eTrapp App or Pro-Portal. Markedly, this verifies that the eTrapp is performing as expected.
The installation breaks down into three categories: plumbing, wiring, and, configuration.
- Clean the evaporator coil and pan.
- Make sure that the condensate drain has a 4-6% fall. That is, ensure that the unit is mounted level and the condensate lines downstream have sufficient fall to allow water to flow.
- Ensure that the condensate drain line is clear and free of debris.
- Make sure the HVAC air handler is using best practices.
- Locate a usable 110v outlet within 5 feet of the installation. Most standard codes require a power source within five feet of the air-conditioning unit.
- Wi-Fi or LoRa signal is required in the vicinity of the air handler. Obviously, Wi-Fi password is required.
Plumbing Installation Supplies
eTrapp sells exclusively through HVAC distribution outlets nationwide. It arrives in a pre-assembled package that includes the following:
- eTrapp condensate treatment unit
- One cartridge
- USB Adapter and power cord
- iOT Hub
- Condensation shut-off switch
- Zip ties
Other supplies required to complete the installation include:
- 3 1-inch male-to-¾-inch female PVC fittings
- ¾ inch PVC pipe
- ¾ inch coupling
- PVC cutter
- Pipe dope
- PVC primer
- Sandpaper
- Level
Plumbing Installation Instructions
The eTrapp inlet and outlet have standard 1-inch female npt threads, and most residential units will utilize ¾’’ fittings. If the installation is being performed on existing construction, disconnect the plumbing and cut out the p-trap. For residential applications a 1’’x3/4’’ reducing bushing will need to be fitted.
- Turn off power to the air conditioning unit.
- Install eTrapp as close to the air handler as possible while being able to access the cartridge from the top and the debris clean-out basin on the bottom. Before gluing any fittings, ensure that both the threaded bottom and the twist lock cartridge (top) have enough clearance to be fully removed. Further, the light on the eTrapp should face outwards to be easily viewed when replacing cartridges.
- Screw the fittings into the inlet and outlet of eTrapp. We recommend using pipe dope to ensure a secure connection. Further, hand tighten the adapter and use a wrench to do a quarter turn.
- Remove the existing drain pipe from the A/C unit. Then, install the new fitting into the A/C drain.
- Install pipe between the A/C’s fitting and the eTrapp’s inlet fitting. Additionally, rough the surface of the pipe with sandpaper and use primer then apply glue to ensure the best fit.
- Install a ¾ inch coupling on the downstream pipe.
- Repeating the inlet process, install pipe between the outlet fitting and the existing downstream drain pipe.
- Adjust for continuous drain fall; check the fall with a level and adjust the downstream pipe accordingly.
- Remove the protective seals from the cartridge as instructed and secure it into the eTrapp.
- Reinstall the insulation around the drain pipe.
- Install a vent if you do not remove the existing p-trap so that air pockets don’t form. Place a vent between the eTrapp and p-trap.
Optional Step
Generally, most residential A/C units feature two condensate outlet ports. Often the second port is unused and terminated with a plug. The terminated port sits slightly higher than the primary condensate outlet and only experiences condensate flow when the primary port becomes clogged. Therefore, installers may choose to plumb a down pipe with a u-bend to this secondary condensate drain. This optional step reroutes condensate directly to the external overflow pan in the unlikely event the primary line becomes clogged. Significantly, this step allows eTrapp’s pan sensor to immediately detect an overflow condition and respond. eTrapp’s Pan sensor functions if this step is not performed. However, the internal drain pan will have to fill and overflow into the external pan before detection.
Wiring Installation Considerations
The home owner monitors the system in real time through data provided by the eTrapp app available free of charge at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The eTrapp App provides data on the condensate level, cartridge life, Wi-Fi signal strength, ambient conditions, and more. Installation Pros receive data from each eTrapp they have installed in their respective territory via the ProPortal. Furthermore, any eTrapp that is in alert status or may be due for a cartridge replacement prominently displays in the eTrapp Alerts segment of the portal. A Pro uses this data to pro-actively contact the homeowner to schedule a service call.
Wiring Installation Instructions
- Locate the nearest 110v outlet. Most standard codes require a power source within five feet of the air-conditioning unit. Plug the IoT Hub into the power source and into the eTrapp. Initially, the light on the eTrapp will be red.
- Install the provided pan sensor.
- The homeowner will then download the eTrapp app as previously instructed.
- The homeowner or installation Pro will then proceed to set up the app and connect the eTrapp to their home or building Wi-Fi.
- Once the eTrapp connects to Wi-Fi, the eTrapp’s owner sees a dashboard with information reflecting his or her eTrapp’s operational data which updates every five minutes. Then, the light on the eTrapp will now turn to blue.
How To Provision eTrapp App
Click Register User at the bottom of the Login screen
Enter personal information and select your installation Pro (this allows the Pro to have access to the unit’s information which will alert the Pro to potential problems and to monitor cartridge life.
Scan the QR codes on the eTrapp and the cartridge
Connect the eTrapp to the local Wi-Fi
Additionally, as an added benefit for the installation professional, he or she will receive data from each eTrapp they have installed via the ProPortal.
Get in Touch
Lastly, eTrapp’s parent company, eDelta, is available every step of the way in regards to providing support for the Pros as well as the unit owners. eDelta’s NOC (Network Operations Center) system maintains a database of all certified Pros and monitors every eTrapp’s performance. In this way, we intend to ensure the success of every eTrapp installed and thus earn the confidence of every unit owner.
Learn more about becoming an eTrapp Pro or get in touch with us for more information about the eTrapp system.